LineaCiudadana presents its smartcity platform to a Chinese delegation through Andalucia SmartCity

LineaCiudadana presents its smartcity platform to a Chinese delegation through Andalucia SmartCity

On Saturday November 12, a meeting took place at the headquarters of Andalusia Smart City between six companies that are part of the Smart Citys cluster and Shantou (Cantón - China) municipal representatives, including Mr. Sun Guanghui, Municipal Secretary . The Andalucía Cluster Smart City has been in direct business relationship with China for about a year and a half. This relationship began in 2015 thanks to the World Cities project of the European Commission. The most advanced contacts have taken place with the city of Shantou, Canton Province. This city has 5.4 million inhabitants and is located on the shores of the South China Sea. The main needs of Smart City in this municipality are: • Sustainable planning. • Intelligent traffic management on roads. • Analysis and optimization of Railway Systems. • Cloud Computing Integration. • Integrated platform for city management.

It is in this last point where Citizen Line contributes a solution to its necessity thanks to its tool of participation, communication and management of incidences. The Chinese delegation was able to learn firsthand from our expansion director Antonio Bonilla how the Citizen Line solution is ready to be implemented in their Smart city projects, as well as help them to improve their score in the Smart Governance and Smart Living. A local presentation of the tool in China is expected shortly after the delegation's invitation to visit Shantou in the next phase of development of its project.